Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

6 Steps for Coping with Chronic Pain

There are six primary steps for successfully dealing with chronic pain.

1. Pinpoint the cause of the pain

The first step in reducing pain is to pinpoint the exact cause of pain. Chronic pain might be due to a disease or injury, such as shingles, arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions that affect nerves. Even if the pain is not constant, it is worth seeking treatment if it affects daily life to some extent. Once the cause of the pain has been identified, an individual can locate a specialist in the appropriate field.

2. Actively seek solutions

Pain often intensifies when left alone. To combat the progression of pain, be sure you are actively making attempts to find solutions. Be sure to limit alcohol intake, find healthy ways to reduce stress, eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking, and maintain a healthy weight.

3. Build a strong support network

According to the American Pain Foundation, more than 50 million people experience chronic pain to some extent. The Arthritis Society states there are around 66 million individuals in the United States that deal with arthritis pain. Because of these high numbers, it is also possible to find a support group who understands and can relate to your pain. Look online for local support groups or check with your community center or church.

4. Seek relief with exercise

Many individuals with chronic pain avoid exercise as they fear it may cause additional pain, but the exact opposite is true. Exercise has been shown to decrease pain and improve strength and flexibility. Exercise also releases endorphins into the body, which are “feel good” hormones that naturally relieve pain. Get clearance from your doctor and start slow by walking around the block three times a week.

5. Utilize non-medicinal methods to ease pain

Alternative methods for treating pain may provide relief, especially if conventional medicine attempts have been unsuccessful. Try incorporating heat or ice therapy, relaxation training, yoga, biofeedback, or acupuncture into your chronic pain treatment regimen.

6. Focus on sleep

The best time for the body to repair itself is while you sleep. Resting also helps promote relaxation and stress relief, which may naturally reduce pain. Turn the TV and other electronics off two hours before heading to bed to ensure a better quality sleep. You should wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take the steps needed to nip pain in the bud.

Article Provided By: PainScale

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If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment, Pain Therapy, Peripheral, Nerve Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

11 Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy occurs due to many underlying medical conditions. There are many occurrences where the cause is unknown, idiopathic. Diabetes mellitus is the common cause of peripheral neuropathy. The other primary causes of peripheral neuropathy include:


Some viral or bacterial infections such as shingles, Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis C, HIV, leprosy, and diphtheria can cause peripheral neuropathy.

Vitamin deficiency

Nerve health depends on B1, B3, B6, B12, folate, and vitamin E. Malnutrition from an unbalanced diet can cause damage to peripheral nerves.


The toxic effect on the nerve tissue and alcohol abuse can create an unbalanced, unhealthy diet leading to vitamin deficiencies. They often describe a burning and tingling sensation in their feet.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases in which your immune system attacks your own tissue include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and necrotizing vasculitis.

Inherited disorders

These heredity types include Charcot-Marie-Tooth and amyloid polyneuropathy diseases can cause peripheral neuropathy.

Trauma or pressure on the affected nerve

Trauma from a motor vehicle accident, sport injury, or falls damage or sever peripheral nerves. Repetitive motion from an activity or occupation such as typing or using crutches can contribute to pressure on nerves resulting in nerve damage. Tight plaster casts can also put pressure on nerves.


Growths and both cancerous and noncancerous tumors can develop or apply pressure on the nerve. Paraneoplastic syndrome, a cancer related immune response that attacks your body, can also cause pressure to nerves and impair function.

Exposure to toxins

Such as heavy metals, chemicals, gold compounds, lead, arsenic, mercury, organophosphate pesticides.

Certain Medications

Cancer therapy, HIV, antibiotics, and statin medications can cause damage to peripheral nerves.


Peripheral neuropathy can occur in lymphoma, osteosclerotic myeloma, and multiple myeloma.

Other diseases

Such as liver disease, hypothyroidism, or connective tissue disorders. Kidney disease causes peripheral nerve damage due to the imbalance of chemicals, salt, fluids, and waste products that accumulate in the body.

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Pain Treatment, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina, Nutrition

Nutrition is Important for Managing Pain

What is Chronic Pain?

We all get bumps and bruises but chronic pain is much different. In order to be considered “chronic”, pain must last longer than three months.

What’s more, chronic pain is also a heightened level of pain, more so than a simple stubbing of the toe or jamming of the finger. It’s ordinarily pain that is severe enough that working or living a normal life becomes difficult.

Role of Nutrition

Pain is often caused from inflammation throughout the body. There are some exceptions, of course, but in most cases, chronic pain has some level of inflammation. Nutrition can play a big role in helping chronic pain as it can directly impact the level of inflammation that is present in your body.

While there has yet to be a Pain Free Diet, there is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and this is the next best thing. A diet that focuses on anti-inflammatory foods may help reduce or eliminate pain while improving mood and overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

This type of diet is going to focus on primarily plant-based foods with healthy lean meats, usually in the form of fish, being added in sparingly. The idea is to maximize anti-inflammatory vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and the following nutrients:

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are the most popular anti-inflammatory nutrients. Omega 3s can be found in:

  • Salmon
  • Flaxseed
  • Walnuts

2. Tryptophan has been shown to be a powerful tool for pain alleviation while improving sleep. Tryptophan can be found in:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Raw chocolate
  • Yogurt

3. Fiber can help to alleviate pain from constipation. It’s found in:

  • Flax seeds
  • Dark leafy green vegetables
  • Prunes

4. Green tea is a well-known agent for pain alleviation. You can drink up to 3 cups per day to help with pain.

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Treatment, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina

Eliminate Stress for Pain Relief

Something that most of us out there aren’t familiar with is that stress can often cause pain. Considering how much responsibilities one has to deal with, an individual gets stressed out easily. And this stress can cause you not only to suffer emotionally but also physically as well.

Both stress and pain walk hand in hand, and that is why both have an impact on one another. Increased stress can cause one to suffer from chronic pain as well, and the only way to get rid of such kind of unfortunate pain is by getting rid of your stress.

To get rid of your pain, get rid of your stress:

Studies also claim that if you’re suffering from depression and anxiety, then you are likely to suffer from pain as well. So, if you’re experiencing severe pain then you might be extremely stressed out and as both impact each other, if your pain decreases your stress level will decrease as well.

Though the reason why these both a link to each is still uncertain, however, it is seen that people often suffer from neck, shoulder and back pain because they are stressed out. This could be because of brain chemicals, or it could be because of the link between stress and tension in the muscles. When one experiences this pain, the brain tries to minimize the signals so that there is a balance maintained and the person is able to function. However, chronic pain can offset the balance.

Your brain is always trying to inhibit the pain signals, however, if you’re completely stressed out then the brain’s ability to filter the pain signals fails and the pain increases. You must understand that if you’ve managed your stress then only will any sort of therapy work on you.

Here are some easy-to-follow tips for you to try out:

  • Move around and be active, this will reduce your stress level. Make sure to include some sort of exercise in your daily life; you can go for a jog, walk or bike around. Consult your doctor and find out how exercising will help with your pain.
  • Make sure to get a proper sleep so that you can deal with any sort of stress.
  • Take out time for yourself, improvise your daily routine and add activities that help you in relaxing.
  • Do yoga; meditate, take deep breaths to relax your mind and body. These exercises will reduce your stress level, and you can do them whenever you like.
  • You can even take out the time and visit a mental health professional, to help you with your stress and pain.

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
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Chronic Pain and Aging

While chronic pain may make people feel older, it may also speed up the aging process. Recent research with individuals suffering from long-term back pain and neck pain found that the aging process may be accelerated by up to 30 years.

Findings published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, found that people suffering from chronic pain age 50-59, looked comparable to healthy individuals who were older by 20-30 years. The study also found that people with chronic pain functioned as if they were much older when doing certain types of physical activities including walking/jogging, climbing stairs, using the upper extremities, and performing routine activities like bathing, dressing, and eating.

Research done at the University of California found that 24 percent of individuals experienced pain through all four of the above mentioned physical activities. Only 9 percent of individuals with chronic pain were able to jog a mile, while 37 percent of individuals who were without pain were able to jog a mile. Additionally, 50 percent of individuals with chronic pain were able to walk a short distance without difficulty. However, 91 percent of same aged individuals who do not experience pain walked the short distance without complications. This study confirms what those living with chronic pain already feel on a daily basis.

When considering chronic back pain and neck pain and the physical and mental tolls of chronic pain, it is crucial for those living with chronic pain to stay active by exercising or using physical therapy.

Article Provided By: PainScale
Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment, Pain Therapy, Peripheral, Nerve Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy Facts & Information

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

A Nerve Condition Associated with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Nerve damage caused by diabetes affecting the arms, hands, legs, and feet.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Facts & Information

This condition is associated with diabetes mellitus and is a frequent complication. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and lead to pain – especially legs and feet.

Pain management doctors use innovative procedures to accurately diagnose your pain and safe, non-surgical procedures to alleviate the pain caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

How & Why Diabetic Neuropathy Develops

High blood sugar levels, that are chronically elevated, will cause damage to nerves. There are four types of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral, autonomic, proximal, and focal.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy most commonly affects the feet and legs. Damage to the nerves can result in decreased sensation, making it more difficult to walk and putting patients at risk of injuring their feet because of loss of sensation. Patients with diabetes who develop ulcers or infections in the feet need to be followed closely.

Getting better control of the patient’s blood sugar levels often may be associated with decreased symptoms.


For diabetic peripheral neuropathy, patients will have symptoms on the lower half of their body – specifically legs, feet, and toes. Primary symptoms include:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Burning sensation
  • Any other type of pain affecting the feet or toes


Proper diagnosis starts with an experienced physician. The type of pain that you may have with diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be similar to the symptoms of several types of disorders. Accurately determining the correct source of your pain is critical to successful treatment.

  • Begins with a thorough clinical evaluation
  • Including a complete medical history, analysis of your symptoms, and physical examination
  • Testing may include x-rays, MRI and/or CT scans, and peripheral nerve conduction study
  • These advanced diagnostic techniques help pinpoint the source of pain

Article Provided By: Advanced Medical Group

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina, Peripheral Neuropathy

CRPS Facts and Information


A Chronic, Progressive, Painful Condition Affecting the Skin, Muscles, Joints, and Bones

Chronic arm or leg pain developing after injury, surgery, stroke, or heart attack.

CRPS Facts & Information

Potential causes of CRPS range from minor injuries, such as a sprain, to severe injuries, such as damage to a nerve. Even relatively long periods of immobility, such as would occur with a broken leg, can result in CRPS.

The symptoms of CRPS frequently include severe burning pain and extreme sensitivity to touch in the area of the injury. Swelling, excessive sweating, and changes in the bone and skin tissue may also occur. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to seek early intervention.

The nation’s leader in pain management, National Spine & Pain Centers has board-certified doctors who are highly skilled in accurately diagnosing CRPS and customizing non-surgical treatment plans that offer lasting relief.

How & Why Does CRPS Develop?

CRPS, also referred to as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) and Causalgia, is usually caused by an injury to the bones, joints, tissue, or nerves. The original injury can be severe, such as a broken bone, or minor, such as a sprain. In the case of an injury, CRPS symptoms may not appear right away. As described above, these symptoms can result in extreme discomfort. Stress often increases the severity of pain. As with any injury or condition, paying attention to the messages your body sends you and seeking treatment from knowledgeable medical professionals is critical.

It most often occurs in adults between the ages 20-40 and generally affects women more than men.

CRPS can result from several different causes. Research suggests that the symptoms may result from an injured nerve or nerves. The nerves send normal pain signals that pass through the spinal cord and are then transmitted to the brain. The problems occur because the spinal cord begins to send confusing signals to the brain, as well as to the injured area itself.

These confused signals interfere with normal blood flow and sensory signals resulting in extreme pain. In some cases, an immune response is triggered causing sweating, redness, inflammation, warmth, and/or muscle spasms.


Symptoms may spread upward from the initial injury site (e.g. hand to shoulder) and may be heightened by emotional stress. The unrelenting pain causes many people extreme emotional and physical duress and, left untreated, can lead to permanent changes in muscle and bone. Early detection and treatment are very much needed. Common symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of motion
  • Abnormal sweating
  • Tenderness and stiffness in joints
  • Extreme sensitivity to even mild stimuli, such as clothing or a light touch
  • Warm, red-looking skin at the injured area initially, changing to cool, bluish-looking skin later


Proper diagnosis starts with an experienced pain management doctor. The type of pain that you may have with CRPS can be similar to the symptoms of several types of disorders. Accurately determining the correct source of your pain is critical to successful treatment. Diagnosis involves the following:

  • Begins with a thorough clinical evaluation
  • Including a complete medical history, analysis of your symptoms, and physical examination
  • Testing may include x-rays, MRI and/or CT scans, and electro-diagnosis (EMG)
  • These advanced diagnostic techniques definitively pinpoint the source of pain

Article Provided By: Advanced Medical Group

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Back Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina, Anger

Anger Could Make Your Pain Worse

When you’re living with chronic pain, there can be a lot of very good reasons for being angry, upset, and frustrated. Your pain may be the result of events that were outside of your control, or maybe even somebody else’s fault – like slipping on a wet floor or getting rear-ended while stopped at a red light. And it’s easy to get frustrated with doctors, chiropractors, or physical therapists when their treatments or recommendations don’t help. If chronic pain prevents you from performing meaningful tasks like going to work, doing chores, or exercising, the sense of loss this creates can add to the snowball of negative emotions. And to top it all off, you may be dealing with non-cooperative insurance companies, side effects from treatment, and friends, family, and co-workers who just don’t seem to appreciate your situation.
Because there is so much to get mad about, anger can become your primary mood when you’re experiencing chronic pain. But too much can pose a real problem when it comes to finding relief.
Studies have found that anger can be associated with higher intensities of pain, and that applies to a number of different chronic pain syndromes, like fibromyalgia, back pain, and headaches. Anger also seems to be tied to a decrease in physical performance and increased disability from work. Research also indicates that anger can interfere with sleep quality and lead to poor coping habits. Other studies on anger and chronic pain suggest that increased anger leads to a loss of emotional support and interferes with social connections, as well as with other mood problems like depression and anxiety. The madder we get, the more we can push people away.
But, even if you’re able to admit that your anger is making your situation worse, letting go of it can be difficult. You may feel that by giving up your anger you’re giving in to the pain, or losing your defense mechanism for telling the pain, “This isn’t ok!” Anger can even feel like a source of energy that “fuels” your fight to get through the day or a protective shield to avoid feeling more vulnerable and susceptible to getting even more hurt. But it appears that, in the long-run, the opposite is true.
Sometimes the first step to processing anger is to gain awareness. To help you assess the impact that anger might be having on you, consider having an open discussion with those close to you and with your doctors to get a sense of what they observe about your behavior and mood. If your anger is impacting other people’s ability to best support you, you probably want to know that. When you become more mindful of the signs that an excessive amount of anger is kicking in, you can start to reframe your thoughts and, before reacting, look for alternative ways of responding to the situation.
If you continue to feel overwhelmed by anger, consider getting outside help to learn better-coping strategies. Remember, better anger management can mean better pain management.
Article Provided By: WebMD

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Management, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Pain Center, Back Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina

Living with Chronic Pain?

10 Things You Wish People Knew

Chronic pain is an invisible illness that cannot always be seen by other people, which causes a lack of support by doctors, friends, family, and employers. Here are ten things individuals with chronic pain want you to know.

1. No one intends to feel this way

Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Pain Management, Back Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

No one ever wants to be in pain, so be gentle with the things you say. It is not helpful to say things such as, “It can’t hurt that bad.”

2. Doctors do not understand chronic pain

Many doctors do not actually understand chronic pain or what causes it; therefore, it may be hard to find the right treatment. This may cause individuals to spend lots of time looking for the right treatment option.

3. Being unable to work is not the same as taking a vacation

If a person with chronic pain is unable to work, it does not mean they are having fun at home. It may be a struggle to perform certain tasks such as getting out of bed, dressing themselves, and using the bathroom.

4. Many emotions are associated with chronic pain

Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Pain Center, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

People with chronic pain are at an increased risk of developing all sorts of emotions, such as depression, denial, anxiety, or despair. They may also feel very isolated and do not always walk to talk on the phone or in person.

5. Symptoms of chronic pain are complex

Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Back Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Aside from being in constant pain, individuals may also experience nausea, muscle cramping, brain fog, headaches, vision problems, gastrointestinal problems, and change of appetite.

6. Chronic fatigue is not the same as being tired

Chronic fatigue occurs when daily activities such as waking up or getting dressed become impossible. It is not the same as being lazy or even over tired. Chronic fatigue does not improve no matter how much sleep a person gets.

7. Individuals with chronic pain are always in pain

Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Pain Management, Nerve Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Pain may radiate from different areas of the body to include leg, back, head, neck, shoulder, arm, or muscle pain.

8. Brain fog is frustrating

Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Pain Management, Nerve Pain Therapy, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Brain fog is a common symptom of chronic pain. It may cause difficulty speaking, memory loss, or forgetting where certain items have been placed.

9. Individuals with chronic illness have a greater risk of developing other conditions

The common cold may be more severe in individuals with a chronic illness. This is because the immune system is already comprised, which makes it easier for other pathogens to sneak in and cause disruptions.

10. Certain foods can trigger problems

Certain inflammatory foods, such as gluten, dairy, alcohol, soy and processed foods, may worsen symptoms

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Pain Relief, Pain Center, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Support Someone with Chronic Pain

Friends, family, work colleagues, online support groups, and condition-specific health communities can help individuals cope with chronic pain. Empathy, positive mental support, physical support, validation, and education are helpful for building the right pain management support.


Active listening can help friends, family, or work colleagues listen to, become aware of, and compassionate towards the feelings of individuals with chronic pain. Strengthening relationships with your most trusted network, rather than removing yourself to isolation, are critical to effectively managing chronic pain.

Mental Support

A support network can help individuals feeling isolated, misunderstood or depressed. By empathizing, sharing a positive outlook, and engaging in social activities, individuals with chronic pain may benefit from a reduction in their perception of pain.

Physical Support

Helping with physical activities like laundry, vacuuming, or grocery shopping can provide pain relief, and give an individual time for physical and mental rehabilitation.


Chronic pain is a condition where many symptoms are invisible to others. Validation communicates an understanding and acceptance of other’s experiences – both are critical to building a trusting and supportive relationship for individuals experiencing chronic pain.


Patient education and self-management are critical to helping clinical decision-making that results in the best pain management outcomes. Because clinic decision-making is the result of interactions between patients and physicians – the more information that you can share with your physician (e.g. pain journal, symptom awareness), the sooner you are likely to find the right diagnosis and treatment plan.

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
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