Carolina Pain Scrambler
Welcome to Carolina Pain Scrambler a Neuropathic Pain Therapy Center. We look forward to helping you with your chronic pain. If you are like most people with neuropathic pain, you have been on a very long journey to find relief. We believe that Calmare Pain Scrambler therapy is the best option for decreasing or resolving your pain.
Many new treatments are advertised for neuropathic pain and some may be beneficial. The Calmare Pain Scrambler is unique due to the research that has been completed with the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University with their positive results in those studies. The Calmare Pain Scrambler is also being used in military hospitals and the VA to help military troops recover from the pain due to amputations and extremity injuries.
Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, that specializes in Neuropathic Pain Therapy, hopes the Calmare Pain Scrambler will provide you with the same relief from neuropathic pain. We look forward to speaking with you.

What is Neuropathic Pain?
Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain condition usually the result of injury, disease or infection. People with this condition may have shooting, burning pain or may have numbness and tingling.
It is estimated that ten percent of Americans experience some form of Neuropathic Pain. This causes a significant negative social, occupational and personal impact. There are a few treatment options that provide long term pain relief.

How we can help..
Here at Carolina Pain Scrambler a Neuropathic Pain Therapy Center, we offer a non-narcotic option for pain treatment and therapy. Our center has years of experience in treating neuropathy and is certified in the Calmare Therapy method. We are well trained in treating Chronic Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Diabetic Nerve Pain, and many more. We know what to expect, and we are here for you. Let us help improve your health, so you can experience a pain-free life.