Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Treatment, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Acute Vs. Chronic Pain

The terms “chronic” and “acute” are used to describe pain. So, what are the differences when it comes to acute vs. chronic pain? The main difference comes down to how long the pain is experienced.

Acute vs. chronic pain explained 

A simple way to understand chronic versus acute pain is to remember that “acute” means “severe” and “chronic” means “persisting.” A person can experience pain that can clinically be described by both terms at the same time, or maybe just one. But, in most cases, chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts three months or more according to the National Institutes of Health. Acute pain is severe, but only lasts for a short time.

What is chronic pain?  

Chronic pain is usually associated with a long-lasting condition, such as a disease. For example, if the pain resulting from a specific injury lasts much longer than the expected time of healing, a doctor would consider the person’s pain to be chronic. With this kind of pain, the pain signals could remain active for weeks, months, or even years.

Examples of chronic pain include:

Chronic pain is not just about the pain itself. Other common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Cognitive issues
  • Trouble sleeping

According to an article by health economists from Johns Hopkins University printed in The Journal of Pain, the annual cost of chronic pain is as high as $635 billion per year. That is more than the annual costs for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Learn even more about chronic pain at our chronic pain statistics page.

What is acute pain? 

On the other hand, acute pain comes on suddenly and is sharp and sporadic. Acute vs. chronic pain is typified by its duration. Acute pain typically only lasts for a few days or weeks at the most. This type of pain could happen with a(n):

  • Burn
  • Cut
  • Infection
  • Acute headache
  • Pulled or sore muscles
  • Fracture or sprain
  • Surgery

What should you do if you suffer from chronic pain?

If you’ve determined that you’re suffering from chronic vs. acute pain, it’s time to get help and support. Faster treatment typically leads to better results over time.

Further, chronic pain can be one of the most isolating conditions a person can have. From the outside, people suffering from chronic pain may appear healthy. They may function normally: going shopping, picking the kids up from school, going to work. They may even laugh and smile and seem to have their lives all together.

Privately, though, the story may be different. Chronic pain sufferers often work very hard to not show their struggle in public, holding on until they get home to let their guard down. This is a tough situation for the person in pain, and it can also be tough for their families. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, or know someone who is, here’s what you need to know and what you can do to find relief.

1. Know that the pain is not “all in your head”

Chronic pain sufferers aren’t faking it. They need to be surrounded by people who believe them when they say they are hurting.

2. Understand that there is no miracle cure

Although there are ways to help with chronic pain, from diet to medications to exercise, they don’t always work at the same level each day. There is no one answer for all conditions. Working with a highly-qualified pain specialist can help you find the best treatments for your condition. They can also help reduce daily symptoms. But, for most types of pain, a “cure” isn’t really possible. Your pain specialist will be working as hard as possible to find the most pain relief they can provide.

Unfortunately, this is the major and most impactful difference between acute vs. chronic pain.

3. Understand that some days are better than others

What was possible yesterday may not be possible today. Levels of pain will rise and fall. Allow the chronic pain sufferer to set the pace and duration of activities, and listen to them when they say they have had enough. If you’re in pain, know when you need to back off.

And, if there is a period of time during the day when the pain seems to be less, ask family and friends to accommodate that schedule when possible. Some times you may have more energy in the morning. Or in the afternoon. If they cannot change plans or accommodate you, then be honest about your own availability and re-schedule if necessary.

4. Be open with your family and friends

Sometimes a person suffering may not appear to be in pain. They may have to deal with comments from strangers on how slowly they move or how creaky they seem. On these days, ask if there is anything you can help with, and move at their pace.

If you’re suffering from pain, others may not understand what you are going through. If they are curious, give them information to better explain chronic pain and answer their questions. You don’t have to give more information than you are comfortable sharing, but know that people who know what you are going through are more likely to be understanding.

The most important thing for chronic pain sufferers and their support systems is communication. Keeping those communication lines open is the best way to work together. Chronic pain can be a very difficult condition to live with, for the sufferer and their loved ones, but understanding when things get tough and asking for help can make a big difference.

5. Ask for help

You don’t have to do it all, and there are people who are willing and able to help. Kids can have chores, and your spouse can take over some activities on the days that the pain is intense.

Next, get the outside support systems you need to tackle your chronic pain condition. Talk to your doctor about pain support groups near you to join.

Article Provided By: Pain Doctor

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Pain Management, Pain Relief, Chronic Pain, Pain Therapy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina

Travel Tips for People with Chronic Pain

Whether for fun, familial obligations or business, traveling can be exhausting, especially for individuals who live with chronic pain. The stress and tension associated with travel can cause and/or worsen pain symptoms. Taking the time to plan and prepare for the journey can help ease travel anxiety and set the tone for a pleasant journey.

A few tips to help make traveling more comfortable and less stressful include the following:

Planning ahead

Learning as much as possible about the journey ahead is essential to making a smooth transition. Travel details that should be secured include the following:

  • Mode of transportation and directions
  • Times of arrival/departure
  • Detailed information on places that will be visited
  • Information about room and board (hotels, cruise ships, etc.) regarding elevator access, accessible restrooms, etc.

Another important tip is to travel during times of the year when pain levels are typically decreased. If flares are common in the heat of the summer, a trip during the autumn months may be more comfortable. If crowds are bothersome, avoiding high-peak travel days is a good idea. Also, if possible, planning an extra day at the start of a vacation and an extra day at the end of a vacation to rest and recover is beneficial.

Packing tips

  • Choose the right luggage
    Luggage equipped with wheels can be pushed instead of carried. Using both hands to push bags, rather than pull them, reduces pressure on the hands and shoulders.
  • Pack light
    Packing light is essential, especially if an individual does not have a travel companion. Lifting and carrying luggage can aggravate chronic pain.
  • Gather health information
    A brief medical history along with a list of current medications can be included in a wallet or carry-on bag. Individuals should include contact information of their health care provider(s) and any health insurance information that may be required if a medical situation arises.
  • Pack medications
    Individuals should pack more medication than required in case of an emergency (usually an extra 3-4 day supply is sufficient). Medication should always be in their original pharmacy containers and packed in a carry-on bag. Before traveling, researching pharmacies at the destination is also a good idea in case medication is lost.
  • Assemble a comfort kit
    A comfort kit contains anything that would make the journey more comfortable, such as heat wraps, cold packs, entertaining distractions, etc. Small pillows are great to use behind the back or on a seat. A light blanket is nice for keeping warm and also can be used rolled up for more back or neck support.
  • Pack healthy snacks
    Packing healthy snacks helps individuals avoid the temptation to purchase high priced, high fat and high calorie processed food that is available at most gas stations or rest stops. Reusable water bottles are a cheap and healthy way to stay hydrated; they can be refilled at drinking fountains along the way.

During the trip

Individuals with chronic pain should be honest with their travel companion(s) about their physical limitations. Sitting for long periods is not healthy for anybody, especially individuals with chronic pain. If driving, stopping about once an hour to stretch and walk loosens the joints and increases blood flow. If traveling by bus or train, individuals should choose an aisle seat (if possible) so stretching or walking during the trip is more accessible. Distractions like books, videos or music are also great for long trips (tablets are ideal for this).

Arriving at the destination

Arriving at the final destination is exciting! To make the trip more enjoyable, it is important to ask for help when needed and take advantage of any amenities offered. Certain rental car companies offer amenities specifically for people with pain conditions, such as vehicles with tilt-able steering, adjustable seats and vehicles big enough to easily accommodate wheelchairs or rollators/walkers. While traveling, individuals with chronic pain should remember to maintain a comfortable pace and enjoy the trip! Hospitality specialists and concierge are trained to make sure their guests are as comfortable as possible, so individuals should not be hesitant to ask for assistance.

Article Provided By: PainScale

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Peripheral Neuropathy, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Get Better Sleep with Chronic Pain

The importance of a good night of sleep cannot be underestimated. Sleep deprivation has been linked to increased obesity and body fat, a compromised immune system, and serious chronic illness such as diabetes. It has even been used as a torture technique. A full night’s rest is essential to help your body rejuvenate and repair. If you are suffering from chronic pain, a solid rest every night is crucial to helping to manage your pain. Here are ten tips to improve your sleep hygiene to get the shut-eye you need!

How to get better sleep 

According to the American Sleep Association, there are some steps you can take to make sure you get the best sleep possible, so that you wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day.

1. Keep the room cool

When you sleep, your body temperature drops. Keep your bedroom cool at night (around 65 degrees) so that you can add blankets to your bed no matter what the season. The drop in body temperature signals to your body that it is time to sleep, and the additional weight of the blankets will promote relaxing, restorative sleep.

2. Go to bed earlier

Just like babies who stay up past their bedtime and then throw fussy temper tantrums, adults can get overly tired and be unable to fall asleep. In addition, adults who stay up late and sleep fewer hours report more negative thoughts and more worry. Going to bed an hour or two earlier can help ease into rest.

3. Stay on schedule

It’s important to maintain the same sleep schedule, day in and day out, even on the weekends, so that your body can get get used to keeping this rhythm. To sleep better, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time (give or take about 20 minutes). It also helps to keep a relaxing pre-bedtime routine, such as a warm bath, soft music or meditation.

4. No naps

There is a lot of debate as to whether or not naps can help or hurt a person’s sleep routine, but the ASA says naps decrease the “sleep debt” that makes it easier to fall asleep at night. So if you’ve napped that day, you’ve increased your odds of having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

5. Minimize clutter

A calm, cool bedroom that is tidy (no messy nightstands!) is welcoming and promotes restful slumber. Remove clutter from the nightstand, clean up the cobwebs, and keep sheets and pillows fresh and clean. Make your environment as comfortable as possible with regard to temperature and noise level. Keep pets out of the bedroom if they’re loud or distracting. Turn off the TV if you keep one in the bedroom, and make sure the room is dark.

6. Turn off screens

A study out of Iowa State University found that minimizing screen time for children has benefits that include a good night’s sleep, better behavior in general, and improved academic performance. Children average 40 hours a week of screen time, and adults even more than that with computer-based jobs.

Turning off all screens a couple hours before bedtime for sleepers of all ages allows the brain to settle down and shift into sleep mode. There are studies that show that the artificial light emitted from computers and televisions can be stimulating, so it makes sense to turn it off when you want to rest. There is a software called f.lux that helps to adapt your computer’s lighting to make it more like the glow of the moon, but play it safe and just shut down altogether.

7. Uni-task the bedroom

We ask our bedrooms to function as more than just bedrooms these days. They are also a home office, a movie theater, and sometimes a workout room. Simplify the bedroom’s function by eliminating all other uses and just focus on sleep and intimacy. It can be hard to relax when we have a desk piled high with papers staring at us from across the room. Move the desk, relocate the treadmill, and make your bed the highlight of the room.

Try to treat the bed as a place just for sleeping so your brain subconsciously associates being in bed with being asleep. Then it can associate other activities with being awake. This means you shouldn’t read, watch TV, or surf the internet while you’re sitting in bed.

Similarly, don’t lie in bed awake for longer than five or ten. Get up and and sit in a chair in the dark to let your mind race in a place that isn’t your bed. Once you feel drowsy, climb back into bed. You can repeat this as many times as necessary. Just avoid any engaging activity that will make it hard for your mind to wind down.

8. Exercise

Exercising in the morning, even just a short walk or brief session of yoga, helps follow the body’s natural rhythms of wakefulness and resting. It also promotes healthy sleep. Exercise relieves tension and irritability and increases energy levels. In an analysis of 70 studies of exercise and fatigue the results were very clear.

“More than 90% of the studies showed the same thing: Sedentary people who completed a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue compared to groups that did not exercise,” says researcher Patrick O’Connor, PhD, co-director of the University of Georgia exercise psychology laboratory, in Athens, Ga. “It’s a very consistent effect.”  Avoid exercising in the heat of the day, and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout your exercise.

9. Skip the meds

Desperate times call for desperate measures when it comes to chronic pain and sleep deprivation. After weeks of no sleep, you may be tempted to reach for prescription meds. If possible, resist the urge, especially for teens. The University of Michigan found that teens who were prescribed anti-anxiety or sleep medications were up to 12 times more likely to use those drugs recreationally as they got older. If you can use natural remedies like melatonin or teas like chamomile or valerian, try those first.

In some cases, a pain reliever may be necessary to help you relax and ease into sleep. Using natural remedies may help you to sleep after that. As always, even when taking a natural remedy, check with your doctor for any potential drug interactions.

10. No caffeine after noon, and avoid other stimulants

To sleep better, avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages after noon, as well as cigarettes (nicotine) and alcohol. Some prescribed and over-the-counter medications may also make it harder to fall asleep. Discuss this issue with your doctor if you’re having trouble falling asleep.

Get help 

If your pain is effecting your sleep, or if your sleep is exacerbating your pain, get help. A pain doctor can help find treatments to reduce pain. Or, they could discuss other sleep modifications you could use. Find a pain doctor in your area by clicking the link below. Or, read more about pillows you can use for neck pain or ways to combat hip pain at night.

Article Provided By: Pain Doctor

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Peripheral Neuropathy, Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Coping with Neuropathy in Cold Weather

Neuropathy, also called peripheral neuropathy, is a term that describes the type of pain and discomfort caused by nerve damage. It is typically characterized by a feeling of weakness, numbness, tingling, or burning in the hands and feet.

Peripheral neuropathy can be a common side effect of certain chemotherapy treatments, and can develop after surgery (especially for breast or lung cancer). Often, nerve damage is temporary; it will usually get better, but it can take time.

Cold weather poses special challenges for people affected by peripheral neuropathy. Prolonged exposure to the cold causes the body to slow blood circulation to the hands and feet in an effort to preserve the body’s core temperature. The reduced blood flow can intensify peripheral neuropathy symptoms and potentially cause further damage to already affected peripheral nerves. This is of special concern to those who experience their neuropathy pain as a numbness or tingling sensation. Their ability to measure the effects of the cold is compromised since they already experience those physical warning signals that would otherwise indicate a need to get to warmer conditions.

Tips to lessen the pain and lower your risk of further nerve damage:

  • Wear warm, dry clothing in cold weather.
  • Protect your hands and feet by wearing thick socks, thick mittens or gloves.
  • Take intermittent breaks from the cold to reduce your exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • Limit or avoid caffeine before an outing as it can temporarily cause blood vessels to narrow.
  • Do not smoke as cigarette smoke can slow circulation.
  • Limit alcohol use since excessive consumption can lead to vitamin deficiency which can, in turn, damage peripheral nerves.
  • Incorporate exercise into your routine to improve overall circulation.
  • Explore comfort measures like massage or use of flexible splints for support.

This information is meant to be helpful and educational, but is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have concerns that you or a loved may be experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, be sure to discuss the issue with your health care team as there are treatments available to help control the symptoms.

Article Provided By: Cancer Care

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management, Pain Therapy, Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Living with Chronic Pain

This is the kind of pain is usually what patients these days complain about. Patients would describe it as if they have had a pain in certain part of their body for years which doesn’t go away with the usual management techniques. What people who don’t suffer from it may be surprised about is that, for most patients, the pain is the least that bothers them. Yes it is frustrating and can even keep patients in bed for days but it’s actually the baggage that comes along with the condition that usually really gets patients down.

This is probably the reason why chronic pain sufferers gets misunderstood a lot. Other people assumes “Oh you have chronic pain, then you should be fine if you take your pill (or whatever pain management remedy that they can think of)” when in reality it’s actually more complicated than that.  While it’s different from patient to patient, here are the basic things that chronic pain sufferers have to live with every day.

Worsens Your Health

When people say that they have chronic back pain or chronic knee pain, believe me when I say this that that’s not the only pain that they have. Most of the time, it starts on a particular part of the body and it just crawls to the rest like a thief and the next thing you know your body feels so heavy and way older than your age. That’s because pain can start a vicious cycle that has a direct impact on your health. One injury can turn you into an inactive person which gives birth to a slew of other health problems.

Social Stigma

Partly because chronic pain is a personal and subjective experience not to mention comes with invisible symptoms, patients face a huge stigma in addition to having disabling symptoms. People don’t understand the totally of the condition, so patients of chronic pain are often misunderstood why they had to miss an important occasion “just because of an back pain”, mocked by “exaggerating” the severity of the pain to gain sympathy or attention, or not believed altogether thinking that they’re just “faking it” to get out of a situation or responsibility. When patients don’t have any outward sign of suffering like a cast or bandage, they tend to easily dismiss it since “you look fine”. What many people don’t realize is how debilitating and life disrupting chronic pain is. Even chronic pain sufferers would tell you how they’d give anything to live a pain-free life.

Lost Time

When you have chronic pain, you lose a huge chunk of time not just for yourself but as well as the people around you. You will feel unproductive all the time because of not being able to finish your work or even work at all for days when it is really bad. And then you also find yourself cancelling a lot of plans because you’re spent and can’t even take another step around the house. And when you do finally make it to an appointment, even though you’re glad to spend time with family or friends, you’re also itching to go home because your energy level is dropping by the minute and every muscle in your body is begging for the bed. Losing years of life quantity and quality is definitely one of the biggest unaffordable loss for a lot of chronic pain patients.   It’s no wonder then that no one likes to talk about the subtraction effect that ongoing pain has on his or her lifetime.

Lost Energy/Capacity

The thing with chronic pain is that aside from the excruciating pain it often comes with fatigue too. Daily routine feels so much harder and the day feels so much longer because you barely have enough energy to even get out of the bed much less run your errands and chores. That’s just the normal daily level of pain where you’re still able to go about your day though struggling. But when a flare up happens that a whole league of its own. This is when you basically stay in bed for days because even the act of adjusting your body on the bed or going to the toilet already feels like a marathon. The pain becomes unimaginable like even you would question how you can be in this much pain and still be alive. And then it just feel like your soul escaped your body because you just don’t have the energy at all.

Lost Opportunity And Sacrifices

There’s a hefty price tag attached to the many potential opportunities that intractable pain stops dead in their tracks. Sometimes grieving over what might have been can be just as difficult as coping with what is. If you had to end your career early, curtail socializing, give up traveling, limit driving, miss important time with family/friends, or narrow your operating world significantly, then you understand sacrifice, limitations and/or lost opportunity.


It Affects Your Personality And Relationships

Chronic pain can rob patients a part of themselves. If you know someone who used to be bubbly and then became cold or someone who you know to be very adventurous now barely participates in anything, there’s a huge chance some of them are suffering from chronic pain. That’s not them intentionally changing themselves but it’s the condition that’s limiting their life that forces them to adjust to it without realizing it. If you talk to patients you’d often hear them say the person before they had their condition feels like a different person from who they are now.

The underlying hits to heart and soul add up too for the courage, fortitude and considerable patience it takes to try to find themselves again, craft a new normal and reach some level of acceptance. That kind of change affects the people around them too especially those closer to them like family and friends. Losing connection with people you expected to stick around forever becomes commonplace and forming a strong bond with ones you’ve never expected to will always be a pleasant surprise.

Financial Losses

We all know pain costs too much money that could have been spent on better things or even saved.  While often coping with the stress of lost income, the bills for prescriptions, treatments and insurance quickly add up. Not only does a protracted painful condition regularly send you a bill to be paid in full; when we’re in debt it has ways of challenging our will, perseverance, hope, sanity, and even courage at times.

Chronic pain is like a really heartless creditor, it offers no grace period, understanding or consideration.  It expects to be paid in time, energy, money or sacrifices, affordable or not. Pain never skips a bill for what it takes, like some twisted accounting mistake.

Article Provided By: Dr. Gary Tho

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Pain Management, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina, Brain

Chronic Pain and the Brain

When a person is suffering with chronic pain, it can affect every aspect of his or her life, from their sleep to their brain. It can sometimes start out like a pebble in one’s shoe, only to become a thorn, or piece of glass—depending on the intensity. The difference is that when there’s a foreign object in our shoe, it’s easy to take the shoe off and remove it. Yet when it comes to living with pain, it’s much more difficult to treat than removing a pebble from a shoe. The constant suffering can affect a person’s mentality in a number of different ways. It can influence thoughts, feelings, sleep patterns, memory, concentration, and even connections with others.

How the Brain Processes Pain

The effects of persistent pain may sound intense, far reaching, and perhaps even exaggerated; but those who experience it truly understand just how debilitating it can be. Research covering the different ways the brain processes pain show us that the brain reacts differently to short-term pain than it does to long-lasting pain. When the body experiences the latter, it can change the central nervous system (CNS), and influence sensory, emotional, and modular circuits that would otherwise inhibit pain. Chronic pain is now looked at as a neurological disease of its own—comorbid with symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is due to the altered cognitive and emotional states by the CNS. This means that the longer pain exists, the greater it becomes, and the more prone to feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression a person will be. Constant, debilitating pain can truly interfere with a person’s life.

1. How Pain Affects Mood

Unfortunately, living with pain can affect a person’s mood by making someone more susceptible to emotional changes that can foster depression, anxiety, and fear. Such mood disorders can also promote a person’s dependence on prescription medications designed to treat the pain, such as opioids. The more scared, alone or sadness they feel, the more likely they are abuse certain medications, which temporarily mask the pain by providing a “euphoric” feeling.  However, when these effects wear off, the sense of hopelessness and discomfort return, so this can soon develop into a vicious cycle.

2. How Pain Affects Sleep

In addition to changes in a person’s mood, living with pain can seriously disturb a person’s sleep patterns. It’s often difficult for a person to fall asleep, and remain asleep for an entire 7-9 hours when they’re experiencing unrelenting or sporadic pain. According to the National Sleep Foundation, an estimated 21% of Americans experience chronic pain—causing each sufferer a 42 minute sleep deficit (on average) per night.

3. How Pain Affects Memory and Concentration

study conducted by the University of Alberta shows that pain not only affects one’s physical, emotional, and mental states, but it can also affect a person’s memory and concentration. It interferes with the memory trace needed to hold information for processing, and long-term storage. This affects not only one’s ability to remember, but also to concentrate and focus in the moment.

4. How Pain Affects Relationships

It’s no secret that the side effects of living with pain reach over into a person’s personal relationships with coworkers, family, and friends. The physical limitations that develop, as well as one’s tendency to be less patient while in pain can limit one’s ability to interact and empathize with others. This can lead to interruptions in one’s social life, as a person may be more inclined to stay at home instead of going out in public. It can also interfere with sexual relationships, household or on-the-job tasks, parenting, and interacting with children.

Living with pain is a constant battle to fight the physical discomfort as well as the mental and emotional side effects it causes. Trying to attack all symptoms at once can seem overwhelming. But with support of family, friends, and the proper medical care, hope for a life with less pain is possible.

Article Provided By: H Wave

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Nerve Pain Treatment, Pain Management, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina

Chronic Pain Syndrome

What is a chronic pain syndrome?

Your doctor has told you that you have a chronic pain syndrome. What does it mean?

In most cases, chronic pain starts with an acute injury or illness. If the pain of this injury or illness lasts longer than six months, it’s then considered chronic pain. Sometimes, chronic pain subsequently causes complications. These complications, in turn, can make the pain worse. A chronic pain syndrome is the combination of chronic pain and the secondary complications that are making the original pain worse.

Chronic pain syndromes develop in what we call a vicious cycle. A vicious cycle is the cycle of pain causing pain: chronic pain that causes secondary complications, which subsequently make the original chronic pain worse.

What are these secondary complications? Chronic pain can lead to some common problems over time. For example, many people tend to have trouble sleeping because of pain. After a while, they are so tired and their patience has worn so thin that everything starts bugging them. They also find that coping with chronic pain gets harder and harder too. Some people stop working. With the job loss, they might come to experience financial problems. The stress of these problems keeps them up at night. Thinking too much in the middle of the night can make the original sleeping problem even worse. It can be hard to shut off the thinking even in the middle day. Chronic pain can also affect the roles people have in the family. They miss out on children’s activities, family functions, and parties with friends. As a result, many people struggle with guilt. Guilt isn’t the only emotion that is common to living with chronic pain. Patients tend to report some combination of fear, irritability, anxiety and depression. Patients also tend to express that they have lost their sense of direction to life. They are stuck. These problems are all common when living with chronic pain.

These problems cause stress. They are called stressors, which means that they are problems that cause stress. These stressors can make pain worse because stress affects the nervous system.It makes the nervous system more reactive and you become nervous. Now, pain is also a nerve related problem. Whatever its initial cause, pain travels along the nervous system to the brain, which is also part of the nervous system. Once reaching the brain, it registers as pain. When stress affects the nervous system, making it more reactive, the pain signals reach the brain in an amplified way. So, stress leads you to have more pain.

The vicious cycles of pain become clear. Chronic pain causes stressful problems, which, in turn, cause stress that makes the pain worse. This combination of chronic pain and the resultant problems that make pain worse is what we call a chronic pain syndrome.

Article Provided By: Institute of Chronic Pain

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Pain Relief, Pain Therapy, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina, Peripheral Neuropathy

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

What is complex regional pain syndrome?

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is an uncommon nerve-related pain condition. While it can occur in any body part, it usually occurs in an arm or leg. It has a typical set of signs and symptoms in the affected body part:

  • Persistent burning pain
  • Sensitivity to touch and/or cold
  • Changes in skin color (to the color red or even a shade of purple)
  • Swelling
  • Changes in skin temperature
  • Changes in hair and nail growth

The pain of CRPS is often intense. Patients tend to exhibit a touch-me-not reaction of vigilance and alarm to the mild touch of others or even to the wind blowing on the affected part of the body. As such, patients often limit activity and hold the affected part in a rigid and motionless manner. In addition to being impairing, the persistent sense of vigilance and alarm naturally lead to emotional distress.

There is no known cause of CRPS. It likely involves the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system also affects immune system functioning. As such, the sympathetic nervous system likely has something to do with the inflammation that causes the swelling and changes in skin color. The cause of CRPS also likely involves the central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord. Among other functions, the central nervous system processes nerve impulses from the affected body part. Because of the high sensitivity to touch and cold that occurs, the amplification of these signals suggests that there is some type of problem in the information processing functions of the central nervous system.

Despite having no known cause, CRPS often starts with surgeries or injuries – even mild injuries — to the affected body part. Obviously, however, there must be more to the picture when it comes to causes of CRPS, as most surgeries and mild injuries do not typically lead to CRPS.

There are two types of complex regional pain syndrome. These types are based on the different kinds of injuries that can precipitate CRPS. They are referred to as complex regional pain syndrome I and complex regional pain syndrome II.

  • Complex regional pain syndrome I: Presumed injury to the sympathetic nervous system in the affected body part. This type used to be called ‘reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD).’
  • Complex regional pain syndrome II: Actual injury to a nerve in the affected body part due to a surgery or injury. This type used to be called ‘causalgia.’

Complex regional pain syndrome I is the most common form of CRPS.

Is there a cure for complex regional pain syndrome?

The course of CRPS can vary across different individuals. Conventional wisdom in the healthcare community is that CRPS can be cured if caught early, but will become chronic if not caught early. This notion comes from anecdotal evidence that CRPS can sometimes be cured through early interventions. However, there are no well-designed, published research data that clearly supports this view.

CRPS can progress beyond the original affected body part. It can come to affect other limbs or indeed the whole body. Central sensitization likely plays a role in this progression.1 Central sensitization is a highly reactive state of the nervous system, which amplifies pain.

Typically, CRPS I and II are chronic pain disorders. Chronic conditions are health conditions that have no cure and which tend to last indefinitely. Healthcare for chronic conditions focuses on reducing symptoms and reducing the impact that the condition has on the patient’s life. The goal is to still live well despite having the condition.

Therapies & Procedures for complex regional pain syndrome

Common treatments for CRPS I & II are anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid medications, antidepressant medications, anticonvulsant medications, bisphosohonates, calcitonin, physical therapy, nerve blocks, neural blockades, spinal cord stimulation, and chronic pain rehabilitation programs.

Recent published reviews of research express concern about how there are no well-designed studies of the effectiveness for any of these common treatments.2, 3 Despite how often they are pursued, their effectiveness are all unproven. Both reviews indicate that there are limited data to suggest bisphosphonates can be helpful. Quisel, et al., suggest that calcitonin and chronic pain rehabilitation program are likely to be helpful. They also report that spinal cord stimulation shows some promise but should only be pursued after considerable consultation due to the invasive nature of the procedure.

Article Provided By: Institute of Chronic Pain

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If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
Chronic Pain, Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain Management, Pain Treatment, Nerve Pain Treatment, Carolina Pain Scrambler, Greenville South Carolina, Brain Fog

Manage Brain Fog From Chronic Pain

Do you find that you’re more forgetful or fuzzy-headed when you are in pain? Is it harder to concentrate? Like many with chronic pain, you may be experiencing signs of brain fog, also known as cognitive dysfunction. If this is happening to you, rest assured you are not alone.“Cognitive function” is a variety of mental activities including memory, learning, problem solving, decision making, and attention. Over the past decade, people have come to learn that the experience of pain can play a big role in how well people perform these mental activities, and the more intense the pain and the more body parts that are affected, the more disruptive it seems to get.Perhaps the best-known example of this is “fibro fog,” which is a term commonly used by those with fibromyalgia to describe the cognitive difficulties they experience on a daily basis. Common complaints of fibro fog include forgetfulness, poor concentration, difficulty finding words, and trouble carrying on a conversation. But this feeling of mental cloudiness can occur with other chronic pain syndromes as well, including migraines, back pain, and painful nerve disorders like diabetic neuropathy and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).
Research has shown that chronic pain can interfere with a variety of cognitive functions, with the most recognizable being memory. Chronic pain is associated with greater recall problems for words and information, as well as for objects and places, also known as spatial memory. The more widespread the pain is in the body, the bigger the memory deficits. Pain has also been shown to interfere with how well people concentrate and stay on task, as well as their ability to organize their thoughts (known as executive function). For example, pain seems to interfere with the brain’s ability to adapt to change when performing tasks.
Other factors related to pain can also contribute to brain fog, including depression and anxiety. Insomnia, also highly associated with chronic pain, can reduce mental sharpness and cognitive performance.

Researchers are still trying to better understand the causes of this brain fog, but one possible explanation may be found in research suggesting that a brain in pain is over-activated and over-stressed. Parts of the brain that would normally get time to rest don’t get a break with chronic pain, resulting in changes to how well the brain can store information and perform executive functions. It is much harder to have a conversation with someone when there are a bunch of other people in the room talking to you at the same time. Experiencing pain may create a lot of extra brain noise, making it that much harder to focus.

So, if experiencing pain seems to leave you with brain fog, what can you do? One way you may be able to decrease brain fog is by clearing out some of this extra unwanted background noise. One proven way to do this is through meditation. Mindfulness meditation training boosts focus while calming the nervous system, which can lead to improved cognitive performance and less brain fog. Distraction can also help dampen some of this background interference. Simple distraction tricks can include listening to music, journaling, drawing, or coloring. And a lot has been published on the powerful effects that exercise can have on brain performance, even in old-age. Research has found that exercise stimulates the production of a protein called brain derived neurotrophic factor which has been shown to boost mental function and improve both depression and anxiety.Along with trying out some of these tools, consider taking notes and making lists to help be prepared for moments of cloudiness or forgetfulness. Carrying a notepad with critical information (like your medication list) to places like doctor appointments or when running errands can help remind you of what is most important. Improving brain function is still an active area of research, so hopefully we’ll see more helpful treatments on the horizon soon.
Article Provided By: WebMD

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If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
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Coping with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is physically and psychologically stressful and its constant discomfort can lead to anger and frustration with yourself and your loved ones. By definition, chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than six months and affects how a person lives their daily life. While physicians can provide treatment for the physical dimensions of chronic pain , psychologists are uniquely trained to help you manage the mental and emotional aspects of this often debilitating condition.

Several medical treatments may be used to alleviate chronic pain, including over-the-counter or prescription medication, physical therapy and less utilized treatments, such as surgery. However, these options are only a few of the pieces necessary to solve the puzzle of chronic pain. Mental and emotional wellness is equally important — psychological techniques and therapy help build resilience and teach the necessary skills for management of chronic pain.

The Following Tips are for Coping with Chronic Pain:

Manage your stress. Emotional and physical pain are closely related, and persistent pain can lead to increased levels of stress. Learning how to deal with your stress in healthy ways can position you to cope more effectively with your chronic pain. Eating well, getting plenty of sleep and engaging in approved physical activity are all positive ways for you to handle your stress and pain.

Talk to yourself constructively. Positive thinking is a powerful tool. By focusing on the improvements you are making (i.e., the pain is less today than yesterday or you feel better than you did a week ago) you can make a difference in your perceived comfort level. For example, instead of considering yourself powerless and thinking that you absolutely cannot deal with the pain, remind yourself that you are uncomfortable, but that you are working toward finding a healthy way to deal with it and living a productive and fulfilling life.

Become active and engaged. Distracting yourself from your pain by engaging in activities you enjoy will help you highlight the positive aspects of your life. Isolating yourself from others fosters a negative attitude and may increase your perception of your pain. Consider finding a hobby or a pastime that makes you feel good and helps you connect with family, friends or other people via your local community groups or the Internet.

Find support. Going through the daily struggle of your pain can be extremely trying, especially if you’re doing it alone. Reach out to other people who are in your same position and who can share and understand your highs and lows. Search the internet or your local community for support groups, which can reduce your burden by helping you understand that you’re not alone.

Consult a professional. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by chronic pain at a level that keeps you from performing your daily routine, you may want to talk with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, who can help you handle the physical and psychological repercussions of your condition.

Article Provided By: American Psychological Association

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
If you would like to discuss what Carolina Pain Scrambler do to help relieve your chronic pain symptoms or receive more information on our treatment process, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-520-5011 or you can email us at
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