Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment, Pain Therapy, Peripheral, Nerve Pain Relief, Carolina Pain Scrambler Center, Greenville South Carolina, Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy Facts & Information

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

A Nerve Condition Associated with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Nerve damage caused by diabetes affecting the arms, hands, legs, and feet.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Facts & Information

This condition is associated with diabetes mellitus and is a frequent complication. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and lead to pain – especially legs and feet.

Pain management doctors use innovative procedures to accurately diagnose your pain and safe, non-surgical procedures to alleviate the pain caused by diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

How & Why Diabetic Neuropathy Develops

High blood sugar levels, that are chronically elevated, will cause damage to nerves. There are four types of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral, autonomic, proximal, and focal.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy most commonly affects the feet and legs. Damage to the nerves can result in decreased sensation, making it more difficult to walk and putting patients at risk of injuring their feet because of loss of sensation. Patients with diabetes who develop ulcers or infections in the feet need to be followed closely.

Getting better control of the patient’s blood sugar levels often may be associated with decreased symptoms.


For diabetic peripheral neuropathy, patients will have symptoms on the lower half of their body – specifically legs, feet, and toes. Primary symptoms include:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Burning sensation
  • Any other type of pain affecting the feet or toes


Proper diagnosis starts with an experienced physician. The type of pain that you may have with diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be similar to the symptoms of several types of disorders. Accurately determining the correct source of your pain is critical to successful treatment.

  • Begins with a thorough clinical evaluation
  • Including a complete medical history, analysis of your symptoms, and physical examination
  • Testing may include x-rays, MRI and/or CT scans, and peripheral nerve conduction study
  • These advanced diagnostic techniques help pinpoint the source of pain

Article Provided By: Advanced Medical Group

Carolina Pain Scrambler Logo, Chronic Pain, Greenville, SC
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